Table of Contents
Episode: 826
Airdate: Jun 27, 2021 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]blinkenlights und springen sprongen
- Shortcake21 1)
- Furdemon 2)
- CCritt93 3)
- Toxxie. 4)
- KGJDC 5)
- Thea-FX 6)
- Coastr 7)
- Pandamatsu 8)
- Chenall 9)
- Woffle Nibbler 10)
- DanceBunny 11)
- WheelieOtter 12)
- Baloobear86 13)
- Shadow-D-Husky 14)
- FurryRomo 15)
- Zalno 16)
- EarBleedMaster 17)
- Fred_Bedderhead 18)
- Kzin_tiger 19)
- Da'Chas 20)
- BigPaWolf 21)
- Sn00fz 22)
- Bleis01 23)
- ThunderFoxO 24)
- eveglow23 25)
- Orvin Raqoon 26)
Show Highlights
- The show was off last week due to a family emergency.
- KP is feeling unwell and participates from the recliner at home
- What is your to-go film for making you feel good?
- The weird effects of world economics
- Experiences with scam callers
- Yappy messes with google and alexa
- Mutt has been away for two weeks and can't remember a thing
- clothing-talk, KP gave Yappy advice on buying a suit
- Amazon got in trouble in the UK for dumping unsold products - Atkelar sees material for “tinkering with Atkelar.”
- Mutt is thinking about getting a new house, Yappy has thought up a plan for making that happen.
- For once Poink needs the Ban Hammer, but where is it? - luckily it's rarely used
- Yappys garage door spring broke, and Atkelars car failed inspection due to bad springs
- Yappy shows pictures of things he restored at work.
- Mutt visited a carousel museum while on holiday
- and Knoebels amusement park
- ..and a really spooky hotel
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - two rounds
- More photos from Mutt's holiday
- “Would you Rather” with the Chaos Lounge
- even more photos from Mutt's holiday - Dutch Wonderland
- TV-show talk
- Oni_Kidou has his first vacation in years going to Megaplex
- Christmas in July is a moth away - start preparing
- Megaplex is five weeks out
- …And then the cast needs a drink
Videos Shown
- Baloobear86 - Grafitti FPS logo video 27)
- Atkelar - Restoration Project - TV Test Pattern Generator 28)
- Butter applier for corn on the cob 29)
- Trailer for “Cruella” 30)
- 10 Unnecessary Inventions in 3.5 Minutes 31)
- Colace song - advertisement (15 seconds - Pineapple) 32)
- Colace song - advertisement (30 seconds) 33)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt - “Uppies, Uppies”
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Title?: Hey Alexa!… No, No! nonono!!, blinkenlights und springen sprongen, Mutts photo Show, Does this avatar make me look big?,
episodes/episode_826.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/29 05:16 by Jake