While the show was on break, Atkelar almost broke his back
Toxxies bowel-movements gets scrutinized
ScorchGreenDragon sent in an assortment of things to the show
Today is the K-mom's 80th birthday
Yappy is dog sitting a dog called Ditto
KP injured his foot at Anthrocon and missed the block party, there's pictures
Toxxie didn't finish his antibiotics and got really sick (again)
No luck for Toxxie he's been both stabbed, and shot - twice
Yappy shows pictures of one of his fursuits
Toxxie gets Bonked, a lot
There's more free time in Yappys calendar, maybe Eurofurence could be a thing
PuddyPanda does “Never Have I Ever - dating edition” with the Chaos Lounge
KP was busy talking with ALL the press at Anthrocon, new record of active press badges
Atkelar tells about a customer that once wanted a color fax
Simba and Atkelar tests singing on zoom
Anthrocon talk
What bodily hair would you wish didn't exist?
“Where do you stand?” with the Chaos Lounge
A look at the art on the walls of the Chaos Lounge
Toxxie and Good Toxxie meets face to face
Yappy finds some old sound-FX on the replay, but what use did they have?
Mutt is having repairs done on the house after a water leak
Mutt had a tooth chip and a few dentist visits followed
The show goes to handheld (NDI)-cam and a backstage tour happens
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2