Atkelar has technical problems and sounds like a Zylon, or is it a Protogen
Toxxie is at home working on a project
KP has a new job and is starting tomorrow
When is the correct time to remove the Christmas decorations
KP tests a new crappy segment called “Has Crappy seen this?”
The show visits the stream of KazumaGShep
Atkelar sent a “short” video that's 30 minutes
“The Dashing-ism game” with Mutt
The rest of the cast checks in if Mutt has done his boring adult things
If you're doing spring cleaning? - send a photo to the Discord channel!
Mutt has lots of plans for next month: Wizard of Oz, Megacon, Florida state faire, Renn faire & work-things
KP hypnotizes Atkelar wit the help of a mechanical metronome
Counting binary on your fingers? - alphabet backwards, in Austrian?
QWERTZ and “¨” - Yappy concludes that “¨” makes the letters sound a little ill.
Best Buy is getting rid of DVD and BR
Stupid warnings just for Americans
Statistics are weird
“Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
Talk about the Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 9 that got a hole in the fuselage
The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
Japanese fursuiters are cute …and Discord has too many channels
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
Toxxie is have a job interview in a weeks time
The Discord is closing in on 500 users
Should the ability to GONG videos be brought back?
60 shows to 10000