Table of Contents
Episode: 160
Airdate: Mar 16, 2003 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]St. Patrick's Day 2003
Show Highlights
- The show opens with the headless naked barbies dancing riverdance.
- The stage gets decorated for St. Patrick's day
- Rasvar's birthday and as a present he receives edible undies - seen again in Episode 177 as part of the white elephant. Also among several cards is a head massager.
- Mach shows off his spiffy new nunchucks
- Poink reads the instructions of the edible undies…
- Spits or swallows: Dr Becker, Menudo
- Poink presents: Seperated at birth: UncleKage/Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Mach/Beaker, Simba/Cher, Rasvar/Hamtaro
- Poink presents: Who's nipple is that?
- Yappy Fox describes why women take such a long time to pee
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Public urinal (
verify: India from the looks of the text on the wall)
Videos shown
- Bob gets constipated - Adam Davus & Babs Bunny
- Strongbad: Techno
- Pawpet music video: Volcano - PawPetsWest
- Pawpet music video: Nobody - Southpaw Productions
- Pawpet music video: Lotus - PawPet Monterey Bay
- Pawpet music video: Don't let the rain - PawPetsWest
- Pawpet music video: The thing from uranus - Bad Cheese Studio
- Acid Flashback: Poot board / technical difficulties.
- Pawpet music video: Starwars Cantina - Pawpets West (#300)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Goodnight everybody!”
- Soundbite “It is done,
??? leader!”
episodes/episode_160.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by