It's Superb owl-night - Poink just want to watch the ads
It's also the valentines show tonight
The Internet is a little unstable
Dinner talk - Mutt has pictures
If things work (which they sorta do) the Discord ↔ Twitch chat should now be integrated
Toxxie has a gift for KP and Fooma
Valentines Picnic with Fooma and KP
Toxxie stabs himself in the hart… and his voice drops three octaves?
If there's one song you would like to have deleted from the universe?
It being the Valentines show: Favourite love song?
There's some leftover business from last week - “Mutt's MegaCon slideshow - part 3”
“Would you Rather - love songs” with the Chaos Lounge
“2024 pawpet election” - announce your candidacy on the discord
Scorch and ScuffedPan sent in stuff
Mutt tests a new game called “Draw something”
Hot things are hot
KP swears on camera(!)
The Discord channel is now at 500 members
“Jump the hurdles” with the Chaos Lounge
“Consider dating Dashing” with the Chaos Lounge - looked nice on paper, but failed first contact with reality VR
“Where do you stand? - CoastHusky” with the Chaos Lounge
“Where do you stand? - Shortcake21” with the Chaos Lounge
“Where do you stand? - Dashingfoxie” with the Chaos Lounge
KP performs three self-written songs for Fooma
The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
When does the show have it's 25-year anniversary?
Someone asked Yappy where the show was hosted in the beginning
Toxxie made a light box with a “My neighbour Totoro” theme
KP has received his new eyeglasses, and the world looks a lot sharper
Talk about long-distance relationships
Sy Sable (Mark Merlino)
56) has suffered a heart attack, it was determined that it was caused by cancer in the liver. By Sy' own wish he has been moved home and receives in-home hospice care. (A
GoFundMe has been set up to help cover some of all the medical expenses.)
Fooma shows some AI-generated dakus
57) that he has made