Mutt forgot to read his fortune-cookie, and has problems operating a door lock
Rummage has a bit of indigestion
Poop-talk after eight minutes
Poink update - new job starts on the 16th
Mutt lost (and still haven't found) $20 worth of scratch-cards
Did your parents ever tell lies to you?
Simba and KP are coming in tonight, but are late
Yappy had new gutters installed, and now needs to move the CCTV camera
Poink had a run-in with a large chicken
Oni's words of the night - “It's better to be OK than KO-ed”
In the news: Two types of Girl Scout Cookies are being discontinued: “S'mores” and “Toast-Yay!”
Simba and KP arrives
Mutt goes through the list of Girl Scout Cookies
“One has to go - Girl Scout Cookies” with the Chaos Lounge
Fooma has gifted a pack of chocolate covered stroopwafels
Mall news with KP
Food talk
“Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
There's a guest tonight - Kyber
There's not a guest tonight, as Zoom won't cooperate with Kyber
Next weeks guest is DammitBadger (it's his birthday on Saturday)
Simba talks about The Lion King
Yappy shows off the “Ferrofluid in a light-box” he got from Fooma - see
Echo farts
A look in the art-jams
The jokes malfunctions
“CCritt's Furry card sharks” with the Chaos Lounge
Firr gets interviewed about his new car
Yappys voice assistant partially knows that the FPS is the longest running online show
Mutt calls Santa(.ai) to ask the same question
Mutt recommends a sci-fi/love-story visual novel called “Adastra”
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
Fair-season is starting in a couple of weeks
More food talk