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Basic Info

Name: Donovan
Gender: Male
State: Florida, dangerously close to the FPS studio
Country: USA

About Me

Well, I'm not a furry, to be perfectly honest. But I am an aspiring artist/puppeteer. And I'm on the Autism spectrum, too.

Usually after the show is over, I download the show onto my PlayStation 3 to watch or re-watch.

Current projects I'm working on with this wiki
  • Transcripts, interviews in particular
  • Activities, where I detail all the activities in an episode that involved the channel (subservients, Are You Smarter Than KP?, MadLibs, etc.)
  • Complete song listings for each episode
Where to find me elsewhere
Other info

On March 27, 2016, I screwed myself over by sending Yappy that “Easter Bunny is Coming” video. He said I was officially banned from sending him stuff after that.

donovan.1459126926.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/03/27 18:02 by Donovan Wesner

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