Table of Contents
Episode: 102
Airdate: Nov 25, 2001 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Two Year Anniversary
timberwolf @ 1:16:00
Show Highlights
- The stage is slightly slanted.
- Mutt remembers thanksgiving… and the banana rum… that is now half gone.
- Rasvar has a new car
- We learn that Rasvar has no asscrack
- The
title? video by Pawpet Monterey Bay causes much joy within the “puppets without mouths” community
- Movie Talk: Planet of the Apes, The Grinch
- Fun with blue screen… featuring Shak swimming through the beach
- The big book of facts is read
- Mutt wonders how to further complicate the abundance of pawpet groups and comes up with “Pawpets East West” or the original name of the show: “Pawpets Over Orlando Tonight”
- Devin calls in and he and
hharacter name @ 1:48:00 plays “Win nothing and like it”
- The show sign gets replaced with “POOT”… “Pawpets Over Orlando Tonight”
- Herbie's birthday is celebrated - and he gets 32 birthday spankings on camera
? “Drew Barrymore” calls in and lusts over Mutt
- Tuninator
- The show's name of the hour is changed to “BOB Pawpet”
- The show sign is changed to “Pawpet WHATEVER”
who? calls in
- Tibor Tiger calls in
- Herbie gets interviewed
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Tom Green with mutt ears and collar
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: The Scottsman - Pawpet Rocky Mountain
- Pawpet Music Video:
title @ 56:00 - Pawpet Monterey Bay
- Pawpet Music Video: Talking in your sleep - Pawpet West
- Pawpet Music Video: Ring Dang o - Midwest FurFest 2001
- Pawpet Music Video:
title @ 1:57:00 - Pawpet Monterey Bay
- Pawpet Music Video: Take a chance on me - Pawpet West
- Pawpet Video: Worshipers R Us - Pawpet Rocky Mountain
- Timberwolf: “Timperwolf in Shepep's Clothing”
- Pawpet Music Video: Happy Birthday - Pawpet West
- Crazy Frog racecar sounds
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Soundbite “Thanks for your support”
episodes/episode_102.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by