Table of Contents
Episode: 106
Airdate: Dec 30, 2001 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]F%&$ 2001
Coyote @ 1:06:00
vixen @ 1:55:00
Show Highlights
- Mutt mentiones Steve Irwin going to die one day while filming one of his shows…
- Movie Talk: Jimmy Neutron, Ice Age, Lord of the Rings
- Mutt gets paws!
- We can see Mutt's christmas present: The Star Wars cook book
- Todd tells about Pluto merchandise
- Poink tells us why 2001 sucked… and after clearing up that we don't only mean the movie, he goes into details
- Ezra wonders why video/DVD stores are closing up
- The stage sign falls off and hits Jimmy No Neck (or maybe Cooner)
- Poink thinks that Manatees are cute… “They look like little Richard Nixons!”
- Todd plays “Are you s-m-a-r-t?”
- Simba calls in
- Tuninator
- During a performance of “Fox on the run” (as part of the Tuninator) the stage gets covered in foxes
- Fun with the video mixer's effect panel
- New years resolutions
- Ezra finds a spider in his fur
- Nair gets shaved
- The search for baby newyear goes on and Yappy Fox plops a diaper on stage
- The stage sign falls off
Reasons why 2001 sucked
- Rasvar totalled his car
- JackRabbit nearly totalled his car
- Raini wrecked her car
- Raini's car blew up
- JackRabbit's car blew up
- KuddlePup nearly totalled his car
- Pearl Harbor in the cinemas
- Windows XP
- Herbie's car has problems
- Yappy Fox dropped two transmissions
- Yappy Fox had a kidney stone
- Raini had a kidney stone
- Raini had a bladder stone
- Trendane bought a car but no clutch
- Napster was killed
- KuddlePup's house got broken into
- 9/11
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Cat flicking the bird
Videos shown
- Toy car getting smacked
- Pawpet Music Video: Happy new Year - Pawpets West
- Music Video: Mexican Radio - Pawpet Monterey Bay
- Pawpet Music Video: Happy Xmas - Pawpets West
- Gorillaz music video
title @ 2:22:00
- Pawpet Music Video: Epiphany By Staind - Pawpets NorthEast
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Soundbite
episodes/episode_106.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by