Table of Contents
Episode: 108
Airdate: Jan 13, 2002 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The ferret/voop/dog/cat takeover show
Lumber? @ 1:43:00
- Harik
- Raini
- Prismo
- Whitepelt
- Crosscheck
- Yappy Fox
Show Highlights
- Rummage introduces us to Pawpet Megaplex
- Poink ticks off the foxes in the audience…
- …and Randy Fox leads in an army of voops to “pound the ferret”
- Devin-Magic featuring Raini
- Poink and Bitch Voop fight it out!
- …to have Arthur do a “single cat takeover”.
- Shak has a serious identity crisis… he wears rabbit ears and is whatever animal has currently taken over the show. Or could it be that he's just spineless?
who? calls in @ 2:11:00
- Mutt realizes that his collection of Figment beany babies will be worthless…
- Pawpet Feud between the voops and ferrets! Hosted by Nair!
- Yappy Fox and Mini Yappy appear side by side
Videos shown
- The making of: “Attack of the Clones”
- Pawpet Music Video: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: When I look in to your eyes - Pawpets NorthEast
- Pawpet Music Video: Don't worry, be happy! - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Monterey Bay: 2 Gryphon rant: Art Thiefs
- Pawpet Music Video: Happy Together - Pawpets West
- Timberwolf: “Bite me?”
- Pawpet Music Video: I enjoy being a cat - Pawpets Rocky Mountain
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Soundbite: “I do not sleep. It is not one of my functions.”
episodes/episode_108.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by