Table of Contents
Episode: 114
Airdate: Mar 03, 2002 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]DDR your Butt out!
It is the last show at Herbie's garage.
missed anybody?
Show Highlights
- SueDeer calls in and talks about being in hospital
- Pictures of KuddlePup's doggy “Magic” are shown
- JackRabbit calls in from the dinner run.
- Live performance from KISS (dolls)
- Devin on DDR
- JBlanco calls in and Devin-Magic fails due to lack of geography knowlegde
- …so an impromptu stage is set up with a bedsheet and chairs
- Mutt announces the upcoming auction show and…
- …already the bids for Mach come in.
- Simba has a bad hair day
- The staff sings to the goodbye song
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Tiny dog under huuuuge behind
Videos shown
- Pawpets visit CARE part I: Interview with
name? from CARE and touring the facilities
- Pawpet Music Video: Forever - Pawpets NorthEast
- Pawpets visit CARE part II
- Pawpet Music Video: Two Princes - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Megaplex plug… about “puppet construction” with disassembly
- Fluff and Such: Wonderful
- Pawpet Music Video: Creatures of the Night - Pawpets NorthEast
- Pawpet Music Video: Everything about you - Pawpets West
- Pawpets visit CARE part III: Tiger
- Pawpet Music Video: SOS - Pawpets Monterey Bay
- Pawpets visit CARE part IV: Bear + Skunk
- Pawpet Music Video: Me Like Hockey! - Pawpets West
- Yatta including Fursuit performance
- Pawpets visit CARE part V: Asien Black Leopard
- Pawpet Music Video: Animal - Pawpets Monterey Bay
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mach speed-reads the shout outs during the (slowed down) closing song
- Herbie “See you in two weeks! Two weeks!”
- Simba “You sound like a parakeet when you say it like that!”
episodes/episode_114.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by