Table of Contents
Episode: 117
Airdate: Mar 31, 2002 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Easter 2002
- Beaver
- Hamster
- Chuck e Cheese (Charades)
- Appletang
- Digger Mole (Charades)
Show Highlights
- Rasvar announces technical difficulties and says that he will be streaming episode #2…
- …which turns out to be a bit early but still a rather well done April fools joke
- Plastic-Easter-Egg fight!
- The “EASTER” letters on the stage backdrop deteriorate throughout the show… “FASTER”, “EAST”, “PASTA”, “EASTRE”, “EAS A”, “EASTR”, “EATERS”, “SEE AT”, “E AT”
- Movie talk: Panic Room
- Poink tells about getting mugged at the mall
- Java is dressed up as bunny!
- The ebay search game
- At the end of the show almost all of the bunny death videos are repeated.
Videos shown
- Chocolate Bunny Death: death by blowtorch
- Chocolate Bunny Death: death by grill
- Chocolate Bunny Death: death by hammer - Pawpets Monterey Bay
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Mystery guest1)
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Blender/Garbage disposal/Power drill -
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Machine Gun - 2 Gryphon
- Chocolate Bunny Death: death by hotel drop
- Pawpet Music Video: Frontal Lobotomy - Pawpets West
- Chocolate Bunny Death: death by PT Cruiser
- Peep Death: death by lighter fluid - Pawpet Monterey Bay
- Chocolate Bunny Death: death between cars
- Chocolate Bunny Death: sickle -
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by wrestler
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by Leave blower/Foot
- Pawpet Music Video: I can hear you - Pawpets West
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by lawn mower
- Peep Death: Jausting
- Peep Death: Microwave
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by peep stuffing
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by boiling water - Pawpet Rocky Mountain
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by Jedi - Pawpet Rocky Mountain
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by boiling water -
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by riding mower
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by blow torch - Pawpets Monterey Bay
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by microwave -
who? @2:31:50
- Peep Death: Peep trimmin' -
who? @ 2:35:00
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by balloon -
who? @ 2:42:30
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by rifle - Treads Lightly
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by pickup+mud - Tibor Tiger
- Pawpet Music Video: The Fox - Pawpets West
- Peep Death: Death by BBQ -
who? @ 3:08:00
- Chocolate Egg Death: Death by hammer -
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by hammer -
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by sword
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by Vice (failed)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Java waves goodbye to wierd sound effects
- 2 Gryphon's bunny death is re-aired after the show ended
Revealed to be Sweetums from the Muppets
episodes/episode_117.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by