Table of Contents
Episode: 122
Airdate: May 12, 2002 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]When Stormtroopers... DDR?
- Two stormtroopers
Show Highlights
- Mutt announces the end of the show unless people start paying them
- Rasvar trying to switch to video causes a white screen
- Smoke detectors are going off as stormtroopers raid the building!
- …Mutt interviews the stormtroopers.
- The stormtroopers play DDR and Charades
- Yatta defeats the stormtroopers!
- George Lucas in Love
- Screet Smarts: Star Wars
- JoJo reads the cards
- Todd reviews “Dead Alive”
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- PawPets as Star Wars characters
Videos shown
- Mutt and Stormtroopers show bumper (technical difficulties, so repeated later)
- Barbie dolls and action figures performing to “We are the world”
- Star Wars song/animation
tilte @ 0:24:00
- Hardware wars “trailer”
- Pawpet Music Video: Big Balls - Pawpets West
- Troops - Star Wars stormtrooper “Cops” parody
- Pawpet Music Video:
title/group @ 2:16:00
- Pawpet Music Video: The Bjork Song - Pawpets West
- Thumb Wars
- Pawpet Music Video:
title/group @ 3:17:00
- “Jawas gone wild” animation
- Jar Jar and Lucas at a bar
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Can't we play the Star Wars closing song?”
episodes/episode_122.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by