Table of Contents
Episode: 124
Airdate: May 26, 2002 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The Pink Flamingoes Show
? voop at 6:00 - Melonie?
? Leopard at 2:22:00
- Appletang (a.k.a. Panda-Girl)
Show Highlights
- Mutt tells about the experience it was to watch “Pink Flamingoes” with Rummage and Temp Ferret cries.
- Plumpdragon gives Poink a Norwegian Two Holer and a pack of Wasabi
- Jock Ferret performs “the phantom of the opera” with a voop singing along and headless naked Barbies hanging form a chandelier
- Todd brings up a lawsuit involving Mrs. Cleo - and a prank call from a radio station is played, heralding Episode 126's take on this subject.
- Tuninator
- Inkblot
- Poink cooks Ramen
- Poink is “happy ferret happy ferret!” as Appletang shows off her light up Pandas!
- Jimmy No Neck appears with a hamster puppet
- 2 Gryphon calls in and rants about a woman breastfeeding in front of his pancakes at the IHOP
- Cooking with Shak
- Rummage is sleeping on stage but the tuninator-intro music snaps him out of it quite rapidly
- Ripley's belive it or not (ripleys.com) is featured on the show
- Catman - Stalking Cat (domain now defunct: stalkingcat.com) calls in, gets interviewed and plays “Win Nothing and Like It”
- Nair calls in and gives us the Word of the Week: “Noisome”
- Simba eats 24 Listerine Breath Strips
- Randy Fox performs
song? instead of the regular closing song.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Pigs that you dress up
- Bad movies and Hanna Barbera
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: Not a Virgin - Pawpets West
- Triumph the Insult Comic Dog annoys people on line to see “Star Wars”
- Pawpet Music Video: Smoke on the water - Pawpets West (failed twice, then shown)
- TV Funhouse :“Bambi 2002”
- Pawpet Music Video: Tribute - Pawpets North Coast
- Pawpet Music Video: Winter - Pawpets West (cut off, re-run)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Stage hand: Waving goodbye
episodes/episode_124.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by