Table of Contents
Episode: 131
Airdate: Jul 21, 2002 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Run Mach, Run!
- Yippie Coyote (charades)
- Avery Wolf (charades)
- Jimmy
- Tony
Show Highlights
- Instead of the usual intro, Poink opens the show announcing that he's the only one there and that everybody else sucks…
- Mach complains about an ancient mic…
- Mach runs out with the walky talky and calls back…
- …interviews a couple of pedestriants and…
- …gets lost!
- The return of Mach gets filmed on tape due to lack of cable - since Yippie is out gathering children
- The picture of Uncle Kage with a mohawk is shown
- A twelf word movie title causes lots of confusion during charades
- Mascot pictures… as a slide show… holiday slide style
who? Kelly? calls in during the interview with Jimmy and Tony
- Uncle Kage calls in and talks about the FPS' visit to AC (See Episode 137)
- Nair calls in and gives us the Word of the Week: “Roister”
- Mach does Karate moves to a song…
- Weird ebay auctions… including the now infamous “Kangaroo Scrotum Pouch”
- A huge load of puppets is dropped from the stage during the closing song
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Uncle Kage with a mohawk
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: Listen - Pawpets North East
- Pawpet Music Video: Ironic - Pawpets West
- All your Mutt are belong to us! - Pawpet Rocky Mountain
- Benjamin Franklin interview
- Pawpet Music Video: Come Undone - Pawpets West
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- nothing special…
- but then… All your Mutt are belong to us! - Pawpets Rocky Mountains
episodes/episode_131.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by