Table of Contents
Episode: 136
Airdate: Aug 25, 2002 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Look into our EYES!
Show Highlights
- Ezra got new shades and is a bit insecure about them… from the Elton John line.
- Poink is unhappy with his new body.
- Poink mentions that Leslie Nielsen played the girl in “Forbidden Planet”…
- Rasvar brings up an extra credit: “Puppeteer and Lifes Joke: Dan Boatright”
- Poink tells the story of the dropped badge at the urinal and a bald patch in a tender spot
- Poink further discovers that - when he puts his eyes on his behind - he looks like an aardvark
- …but the eyes fit Temp Ferret even more!
- Ezra auctions off the N'Fur shirts.
- The show sign hits Poink
- The eye joke continues until it's not funny anymore…
- …and then it conitues until it's hilarious!
- Akea Kami calls in and tells about weird dreams
- Ferrets with eyes! Four of them!
- Spits or Swallows: Autocrat
- The “Spits or Swallows” name is coined by Kuddlepup after this weeks round… initially it was still called “Put this in your mouth”
- Tuninator
- A discussion about holes in bathroom stalls brings up Seal of Disapproval: “Ork ork ork!”
- Nair calls in and gives us the word of the day: “pecksniffian”
- Mutt learned how to play the slide rule as a pup
- Spits or Swallows: Burger King Tacos
- Rasvar gets a burger with too large a bun… “Where's the beef?”
- Mutt reads the mailing list
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Mach with hair!
Videos shown
- N'Fur
- Pawpet Music Video: We Built This City - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: When it rains, it snows - Southpaw Video Productions
- Happy Wabbit, flash animation
- Pawpet Music Video: Do you believe in magic - Pawpets West
- Fluff and Such: Wonderful
- Fluff and Such: PSA: don't mix sodas…
- Pawpet Music Video: Animal - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: It's not my Birthday - Southpaw Productions
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Goodnight, see you in two…” 1)
The show download is cut off without the goodnight song after the regular running time. It seems the show ran long a minute or two…
episodes/episode_136.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by