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Table of Contents
New Years 2003/2004
Show Highlights
- Mutt is still wearing the Santa hat
- Yappy Fox is on vacation
- Poink rants about people applauding the movie in the cinema and telling actors on screen what to do
- Mutt did really like the costumes in the Lion King musical
- Todd had to rearrange his living room because he got a home theatre system…
- …and he also got new AOL CDs because he ran out of coasters
- Poink wears a huge wig that scares Temp Ferret
- Simba tries to sing like - and with the help of JackRabbit also look like - Cher.
- Christmas Presents…
- The Annual Arthur Awards are discussed
- The Smurf name generator (the url mentioned by Terry on show is defunct) gets “Hannibal Smurf” for Poink, “Cuddly Smurf” for Temp Ferret, “Son of Smurf” for Mutt and Arthur, “Critically Ill Smurf” for Java, “Golden Flash Smurf” for Rasvar, “Junky Smurf” for Terry, “Full monty Smurf” for Herbie, “Heterosexual Smurf” for Yappy Fox, “Kuddly Smurf” for Kuddlepup
- Seal of Disapproval calls in for “Ork Ork Ork!”
- Name that toon
- Your new years resolution?
- Pyro calls in
- Pawpet shooting gallery… rubber band style. And Poink gets a bit tied up in the action.
A rundown of activities can be found here.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Uses for AOL CDs
- Caption: Truck in a snow ditch
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: They Might be Giants - Pawpets West (also in reverse)
- Pawpet Music Video: Bright Lights - Pawpets NorthEast
- Pawpet Music Video: Corrupt - Pawpets West
- Acid Flashback: New Years show 1999/2000 Episode 5
- Pawpet Music Video: Unwell - PawPets NorthEast
- Pawpet Music Video: Goodness Gracious Me - PawPets West
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Herbie shooting a rubber band at the camera
- Bitch Voop “You all blow!”
- Ezra “You can untie me now!”
episodes/episode_152.1454537129.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/03 14:05 by Donovan Wesner