Table of Contents
Episode: 164
Airdate: Apr 13, 2003 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
- Jason
- Chilly
- LatinVixen
- Rolly
Show Highlights
- Jimmy No Neck tells us that Cypress Gardens had to close on this very day.
- Yappy Fox's neighbor Jason walks in and gets interviewed
- Rasvar has some problems on the console and the show stalls for a bit
- Poink returns from Iraq.
- Ezra reads a madlib…
- Pink Flamingo Challenge
- LatinVixen and Rolly play pantomime
- Rolly appears backstage and Arthur gets some huuuge hands and performs various hand-related activities and songs.
- Spits or swallows: Halva
- Harik calls in and talks about the wedding
- The cast (and Arthur's hands) perform a song about being a superhero
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets in the 60s
- Caption: Guy “stuck” upside down in the sand on the beach
Videos shown
- Cypress Garden video
- Poink in Iraq
- Pawpet Music Video: Du Hast - PawPet SouthWest
- Pawpet Music Video: Yatta Tribute - Pawpets Rocky Montain
- Pawpet Music Video: The THing from Uranus - Bad Cheese Productions
- Pawpet Music Video: Sakura Saku - PawPets SouthWest
- Pawpet Music Video: - COPA
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Send in those chocolate bunny deaths!”
- Poink “I'd be a cool superhero, I could walk around with a Pap smear gun.”
- Soundbite “As of this moment they are on
episodes/episode_164.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by