Table of Contents
Episode: 173
Airdate: Jun 22, 2003 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The Flashback Show
Show Highlights
- “Flashback to 80 years ago” - B/W silent movie version with cue cards
- Fat bastard challenge
- Nerd Ferret insists on Poink being his father…
- The roll call is done as a rolling title.
- Herbie shows a Robin Hood figure
- Bandit flops down on JackRabbit's face
- JackRabbit shows his guts in a comparison: “Who looks more pregnant? Raini or JR?”
- Talking about getting off on top of a washing machine, Arthur mentions how JackRabbit's washer visited him in the bedroom
- Nerd Ferret's taste in music(?) causes some discussion
- Fun with reverb and similar effects…
Fat Bastard
name | weight (lbs) |
JackRabbit | 193 |
Simba | 160 |
Herbie | 242 |
Jess | 151 |
Harik | 155 |
Raini | 111 |
Kuddlepup | ? |
Yappy Fox | ? |
Devin | 110 |
Bandit | 15 |
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets in silent movies
- Caption: Fox puppet+wine bottle
Videos shown
- Acid Flashback: Crow Pawpet Video
- Blame Canada
- Acit Flashback: Dalmation puppet performing a song
- Acid Flashback: Carrot goes to the fair
- Acid Flashback: Mascot bowling
- Acid Flashback: Pawpet Music Video
- Acid Flashback: Easter egg-throwing madness
- Acid Flashback: Camera view
- Acid Flashback: Drunk show
- Acid Flashback: Ferret takeover show
- Acid Flashback: Coaster ride
- Acid Flashback: New intro music
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Yappy “Stay tuned for credits”
- Todd “Good show!”
- Simba? “In fact, we are going to be here for a little while”
- Mutt “Are we doing a like a little 10 minute after the show..?”
- several “No we need to do the credits”
- Mutt “Oh, OK - that works”
- “We can read them all off”
- Mutt “What did you think of the show tonight? Was it good?”
- several ???
- Mutt “I had a good time. Much of those flashback videos were fun. Looking into Yappy's house.. I miss Yappy's old house! I miss the smell!”
- Simba “You miss the smell?”
- Todd “I don't!”
- Mutt “It was like really poor ventilation in that house. Especially with farts!”
- Todd “When the power went out and the air condition went out it got really really hot”
- several ???
- Mutt “Oh look! Credits! Jess! I know Jess!”
- Todd “We're usually singing when these go by!”
- Simba “Soul bossanova”
- Todd “Because I said so…”
… the cast goes on reading the song titles from the credits…
- Mutt “Oh, there's the rainbow screen, we got to get out of here!”
- Todd “Wow it looks like…”
- Poink “Goodnight folks!”
episodes/episode_173.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by