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Table of Contents
The blackout show
The download is about ten minutes short (with the last five minutes static) due to two power outages and interrupted recordings.
Show Highlights
- Nerd Ferret sports glasses to help hold his eyes to his face.
- Rummage bashes a tambourine
- The cast discusses kidney stones… which brings the comparison of “golden hail” and lots of “orks”
- Poink got rear ended twice in one week.
- Poink's laptop loses power several times…
- …also the show recording is interrupted.
- Poink presents a special auction item: the remains of Poink v.1 after getting blown up
- Sing along with Cow “Scatman”
- Madlib: Rummage goes to the psychiatrist
- Nonsanity and Cuddles' baby ultrasonic image is shown
- Mutt hangs himself from the stage during a performance of Mrs. Miller
- …and Simba immitates Mrs. Miller
- Devin does the bidet challenge
- JackRabbit gets a cup of water… from the bidet
- Devin plays “Win nothing and like it” on the bidet
- JackRabbit and Kuddlepup play the 1-Dollar Pyramid
- The “animal impersonators” show is discussed.
- JackRabbit and Herbie play the 1-Dollar Pyramid.. “Press the meat!”
- Arthur discuss IRC channel topics
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Demolition Derby picture1)
- The pawpet show goes black
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: Eaten by the Monster of Love - Southpaw Productions (including video intro)
- Acid Flashback: Fuzzle's movie review: the cell
- Pawpet Music Video: Tribute - Pawpet Rocky Mountain
- StrongBad: Extra Real Dating Sim XR
Funny Credits
- Buy a Poink bumpersticker today. We need the money and your insurance needs to go up.
- Aren't you impressed? We made it through another lightning storm!
- Mrs. Miller and Nerd have beautiful singing voices… Don't they?
- We wanna hear Devin on the bidet - Every day!
- Someday we'll figure out whose farts are worse: Yappy's, JR's, Rasvar's… or Bandit's
- Gyng, Rasvar really did grab Devin's ass!
- Doesn't JR give the best clues on Earth?
- What's scarier than JR in a thong? The world may never know.
- …and why are you still reading this?
- tl:dr
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Herbie “Goodnight everybody!”
- Poink “Go home!”
- (after show close) Hampster song with the Pawpet logo animation
selected by Rasvar after the story about Poink's car troubles
episodes/episode_181.1363713340.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/09 16:13 (external edit)