Table of Contents
Episode: 182
Airdate: Sep 07, 2003 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Pawpets on Ice!
Note: Either the show is short by ten minutes or ten minutes within the show didn't get recorded because the four hour five minute download has 15 minutes of static at the end, after running the end credits.
- Raini + Cordelia
- Mach
Show Highlights
- Mutt talks about how he broke his phone by accidentally smashing it against the wall three times.
- We take a look at the ebay auctions that are going on
- Rasvar manages to play the first two videos together…
- “Where did you manage to get stuck?”
- TonyRingtail mentiones an interesting story about a hole, a hat pin and a medical emergency…
- Rummage talks about a spiffy, brand new toy he bought: an iPod!
- Movie Talk: House of a thousend corpses
- We see Rasvar's new HD-TV!
- Todd tells about his visit to the Mr. Potatohead convention
- The cast talks about visits to casinos
- Poink gets interviewed
- Name that toon
- The cast discusses the legality of certain porn drawings
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets on Ice
- Group picture and lots of people dumping water from above
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: Tribute - ?
- Kaze Ghost Warrior - trailer
Funny Credits
- Gyng, Ras really does love you more than his TV.
- You can find Poink's culture… in half his paternity suits.
- Random viewer that we decided to put in the credits: DRAKENFEL
- Remember, lots of cash in the telethon means Poink gets a wax job.
- …stop reading this and GO TO BED!
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Be safe and get weel soo
- sound effect (or off stage) “BUUUURP!”
- Poink “Go get laid!”
episodes/episode_182.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by