Table of Contents
Episode: 190
Airdate: Nov 23, 2003 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Avenue "P"
- Flying Fox
who else?
Show Highlights
- The intro music is interrupted by a gunshot and “fish heads” song is played
- Movie Talk: The cat in the hat
- Uncle Kage calls in from the airport, leaving MFF
- Yappy Fox calls in live from MFF and the phone is passed on from person to person… 14 in fact.
- “Elitist Baby” Cornelia is presented by Ezra and Bitch Voop sings to her
- Sing along with Cow “We didn't start the fire” (with excerpts from the deep fried turkey video)
- Poink “burst in flames”…
- Nonsanity calls in and informs us that he's going to be father of a little bouncy baby girl…
- Arthur snuffs some beef jerky
name? calls in and plays thing-blots
- Poink poots
name? calls in but gets interrupted
- Procyon calls in and plays matchgame
- Poink and ??ferret perform “Schadenfreude”
- Flying Fox explains the “Weeness factor”
- Simba's mother also talks on the phone and is quoted: “My family is warped!” and “What is the weener?”
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Yappy holding a fennec fox
Videos shown
- Deep fried turkey fire hazard
- “Drug Report” - PawPet Monterey Bay
- Pawpet Music Video: Big Balls - Pawpets Rocky Mountain
- Fluff and Such: Old Poink
- Pawpet Music Video: Hip to be square - PawPets Far East
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “Hey Rasvar! Can you stand in front of the camera and make like that solar eclipse?”
- Arthur “Do it! Come on! You know you want to!”
- Poink “Yes you do, go ahead!”
- Ezra “Oh my gosh!”
- everybody “Oh!”
- Poink “Goodnight!”
- a bit later the hamster song is played.
episodes/episode_190.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by