Table of Contents
Episode: 193
Airdate: Dec 14, 2003 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Remembering Justin
This is the last show1) to use the “spotlight” backdrop on the back of the stage that was set up during Episode 156.
- Bernie
who else?
Show Highlights
- The show opened on a sad note as we learn that Devin's brother (Justin Bray) took his life, and we see excerpts of Episode 168 that had him visiting, including Pink Flamingo
- Simba lip-syncing to “ding fries are done”
- Poink mentiones that the whale of “Free Willy” died
- Bernie is interviewed
- Corsair calls in from Japan and gets asked Pawpet trivia by Todd
- Rasvar battles with the video effects on the Amiga…
- Nerd Ferret's eyes fall off and he comes up with an additional pair… six-eyes!
- Nerd Ferret tries to play “Guess the theme”
- Pink Flamingos
- Herbie's comic book update
- Creepy makes a breif appearance as the cast plays with the “tinkerbell” transition, which causes some character mix-ups
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Devin's brother Justin
- Caption: Guy with snakes in his mouth
Videos shown
- Anakin Skywalker “dark side animated commercial”
- Pawpet Music Video: No Rain - PawPet Monterey Bay
- Ding Fries are Done (three times)
- Bear and Mutt bumper
- Ding Fries are Done - to the show intro video
- Pawpet Music Video: Pretoria - Performed at Midwest Furfest 2003
- Pawpet Music Video: Gitarzan - Performed at Midwest Furfest 2003
- Gay spiderman (four times)
- Steve: “switch to whatever you want animated commercial”
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “…et some porn!”
unclear, talked over by everybody else's “goodbye!”
- The show ends with a picture of Devin's brother Justin
as of February 7, 2011
episodes/episode_193.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by