Table of Contents
Episode: 200
Airdate: Feb 29, 2004 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Episode 200!
This is the first episode that aired with a new opening video - to be used until Episode 410 validate.
- ???
who was there?
Show Highlights
- Rummage is toasted… he just finished the new opening video.
- Poink is wearing his Dr. What outfit.
- Mutt talks about several project he's currently working on.
- Movie talk: upcoming sequals
- Mutt talks about working on Power Rangers
- We get a “directors comment” for the new intro
- Everybody is bashing on Rasvar for “roughing” it at the Disney Lodge…
- Spits or swallows: Sea rations from the early 1960's
- Poink gets squished by his tardis…
- …and is reincarnated as “The Meister” (“Colin Baker Poink”)
- Poink poots
- Poink played “strip solitair” and lost
- It's the last time we see the “Tuninator” animated intro 1)
- Tuninator
- Uncle Kage calls in and tells a story about food poisoning…
- …and we find out the reason for Yappy Fox: Mercury!
- Todd presents his new little pet: technocolor pig
- Nerd Ferret talks about aquiring a taste for music and Ezra wants to know why anybody would want to aquire a taste for anything…?
- Tuninator: Nerd edition… one song sounds like a stuck record the other like an MP3 accident… or a fax machine on drugs…
- Trixi calls in and plays matchgame
- Poink feels sorry for asking the audience about “what favorite song should we do?”… YATTA!
- The cast performs “Star Trekkin'”
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpet Power Rangers
- Caption: Pilot ejecting form an F16 (
Videos shown
- The new intro
- Pawpet Music Video: Right Now - PawPets SouthWest
- Pawpet Music Video:
name? - Bad Cheese Production, interrupted for:
- LIVE: Academy awards - “Best animated feature”
- LIVE: Academy awards - “Best animated short”
- Pawpet Music Video: Nelly the elephant - PawPets Monterey Bay
- Pawpet Music Video: Bring Me To Life - Pawpets Far East
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “Goodnight!”
as of 2-2-2011
episodes/episode_200.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by