Table of Contents
Episode: 206
Airdate: Apr 18, 2004 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Snacktime!
Show Highlights
- Rocky performs “Rocky Raccoon”
- Yappy Fox got himself a buzz-cut.
- JackRabbit is out sick
- Since Kuddlepup has never seen the entire “Pink Flamingos”, the opening sequence is shown…
- Yappy Fox tries to build a shed out back…
- Fun with a reversed blue-screen effect
- Jess gets new heads and bodies thanks to the blue screen…
- …and Jess also dances for the audience!
- Spits or swallows: Burnt meat biscuits, Schweppes bitter lemon, Durian flavored snacks!
- Yappy Fox announces a new rule for spits or swallows: You have to send along a video proving you ate it first… the only submission ever to adhere to that rule is Chilli's in Episode 207.
- Simba keeps burping durian
- A performance of “Bumblebee Tuna” prompts ideas for techno-versions of old commercials
- Poink calls in and does movie review… “Kill Bill”
- Simba announces that he's going to prove that (
name?) will light up when chewed.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets in Beatles songs
- Caption: Hyenas and Baboons as pets
Videos shown
- Chocolate Bunny Death: scalpel…
- Buckle up…
- Aqua: “Cartoon Heros”
- The Bloodhound Gang: “Bad Touch”
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Those stupid jingles will be stuck in my head forever.”
- Crappy “Ugh.. Durian burps!”
- Ezra “Oh no!”
episodes/episode_206.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by