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Episode: 219
Airdate: Aug 22, 2004 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Gone with the wind
Show Highlights
- The show starts with a bluescreen of Hurricane Charley going over central Florida and Yappy Fox trying to get the mics to work
- Herbie presents the “I survived hurricane Charley” shirt
- Poink tells us about how he only coult get mashed potatoes and beans at KFC
- Movie talk - Team America…
- Poink leaves early for his new job
- During a perfromance of “The answer is blowing in the wind” a “42” subtitle is scrolling along..
- Spits or swallows - Mountain Dew: pitch black
- Jess is also a victim of bluescreen antics…
- MST3k: The Wizard of Oz - Storm Scene
- Hardy2) Bear (from Fluff and Such) video-calls in
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Yappy's shed…
Videos shown
- Heya, Charly Brown (bluescreen'd)
- Wizard of Oz (MST3k)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hardy Bear “Goodnight”
- After the regular show, Nonsanity is shown in the video call in and “Ghostriders” is played
episodes/episode_219.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by