Table of Contents
Episode: 223
Airdate: Oct 03, 2004 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]It's JR the Hutt!
Show Highlights
- “Name that Star Wars… I guess… thing” is played
- Movie talk: Star Wars
- Rasvar returns from a football game - and is lobster red…
- Ezra tells about how he was late for jury duty
- Simba tells - and re-enacts - how once both of his arms fell asleep
- The next subject: Puke!
- Yappy Fox makes a cast call for new cast members
- Rasvar's Tivo is the reason for the recent hurricanes!
- JackRabbit tells the story of going to a football game with Rasvar
- While talking about useless computer assessories, Yappy Fox mentions that soon there will be an e-z bake oven… http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/ezbake.shtml
- Yappy Fox talks about his experiences with the metrical system and high gas prices in Canada
- Garrison draws JR the Hutt for the art jam
- Talk about money… coins, bills and the people on them
- Poink mentions, that he'll not be here next wee becuase he'll be heading straight to Garrison's house (See JR the Hutt) - not yet knowing that he infact will be missing during Episode 224
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets as Star Wars characters
Videos shown
name? Dogao - animaed rap video
- Magical Trevor
- Kenya!
- Sockbaby
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Cast singing the goodbye song 1)
Poink: “Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”
Download is cut off a few seconds early, so real last words might have been different
episodes/episode_223.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by