Table of Contents
Episode: 226
Airdate: Oct 24, 2004 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Herbie's Hot Weinies
Show Highlights
- Sound check on stage…
- Mutt is missing his computer and uses Stanly's cup instead…
- Movie talk: Popeye
- Cooking with Yappy Fox - “the sea of lard”
- “Nature Anthem” breaks Mutt
- Movie talk: Herbie unleashed
- World's largest whoopie cushion drapped over the stage - and revealed to be a costume for Yappy Fox…
- Bacon sings “Bananaphone”
- Todd reads a list of the richest fictional characters…
- JR mentions he always thought Roo was sexy. As everyone looks at him in shock/horror he says, “Roo's the Mom…right? Wait, Kanga! Kanga! I meant Kanga!!!!!!”
- Video game based movies are discussed… everybody knows some but nobody could name a good one.
- Kuddlepup's car battery exploded…
- …and he tells us about a spyware infested PC
- After Rasvar plays “There She Is!” he replays the beginning, syncing it perfectly with “The Brady Bunch” theme.
- Yappy Fox talks about his subwoofers and how he made dust fall from the ceiling
- Herbie's Hot Weiner added to the JR the Hutt picture.
- During Episode 404 Herbie would mention getting in trouble for googling the term 'hot wiener' at work.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets and wienees (WITHIN the rating!)
- Caption: bike piercing thorugh cheek
Videos shown
- “Nature Anthem”
- “Everyone Else Has Had More Sex than Me”
- “There She Is!” (Cat and Bunny flash animation, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezsRZ8ZEmJY)
- Foamy the squirrel - hospital visit
(real title/name)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mitt “Bye!” 1)
- Poink “Get out!”
- Ezra “I'm glad I have jury duty tomorrow!”
Download is cut short by about a minute, so real last words might have been different
episodes/episode_226.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by