Table of Contents
Episode: 231
Airdate: Dec 05, 2004 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Apache!
name? Fries
Show Highlights
- Bandit has fun on stage
- Yappy Fox presents a video that “will make you squirm”: APACHE!
- Mutt warns us of a certain web page by repeating the URL several times.
- Yappy Fox tries out various stage backdrops via blue screen effect
- Mutt wants to know who made the most music albums to date
- Mutt immitates Apache keyboard guy
- Pink Flamingo - and Crappy Doo watches too
- Fries gets interviewed
- Herbie preseents a “Neverland - Sleepaway camp - a touching childhood experience (come and pet the monkey)”
- JackRabbit and Simba get covered in puppets while “yellow snow” is played
- Bandit sits on the stage
- Nonsanity calls in and Mutt thinks about doing a pawpet show on SecondLife but calls it “a bad idea”.
- Mutt gets all worked up about defending Magic-8-ball
- Arthur's head collapses as he tries to blink
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: car body on a bike
- Design a new stage / Pawpets in the 70s
Videos shown
- Apache (with various different songs synchronized to it)
- “Breakfast”
- “Lunch”
- “Elektronik - Supersonik” → http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santo_Cilauro
- “Transformer” style citroen commercial
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt/Todd thanking/congratulating…1)
Download was cut short by about a minute so real last words might have been different
episodes/episode_231.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by