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Pawpets in ice



Show Highlights

  • The show starts without a stage sign
  • Arthur and Yappy Fox talk about dynamic DNS
  • Yappy Fox mentions that Simba lives at 27.98275N 83.4567W - which (according to Google maps) is some miles into the Gulf of Mexico
  • Ezra, Waffles and Arthur tell us about the “Ice” exhibit in the Gaylord Palms resort.
  • Tuninator
  • Rummage zapped the video mixer and the show computer
  • Rummage missed a party and is sad… then gets mad because Simba didn't bring any deviled eggs
  • Rummage tells about how he found his pet rat bringing cat droppings into it's cage.
  • Ezra presents the weekly world news… two siamese twins that are to be seperated, Santa is frozen, Clones,…
  • Spits or swallows: preserved apricots
  • We see Rasvar's room… or rather we DON'T see it for all the stuff that's lying around.
  • Jess tells about her dog Obi and how he keeps knocking things over
  • Ezra and Jess talk about “Wicked” and “Avenue Q”
  • Rasvar has NOT seen Apache!
  • The Peckers perform several bird-related songs, although they aren't really known by their names yet.

Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description

  • Caption: Freeze-frame from “Apache”
  • Pawpets and ice

Videos shown

  • PSA from saturday morning cartoons: “Exercise your teeth”
  • PSA from saturday morning cartoons: “Yuckmouth”
  • PSA from saturday morning cartoons: “Labels”
  • Arj and Poopy “FIXME title?”
  • Arj and Poopy “Shpants”
  • Apache

"Last Words" (and Actions)

  • Ezra and Crappy Doo sing the closing song1)
Download is cut short by about a minute so real last words might have been different
episodes/episode_232.1384034679.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/09 14:04 by Atkelar

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