Table of Contents
Episode: 259
Airdate: Aug 21, 2005 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Kuddlepup's mom visits
- Exile -
- Kuddlepup's mom
Show Highlights
- Liesl cooks Wienerschnitzel in the kitchen… and uses a real hammer to tenderize the meat
- The cast is happy about the prospect of beer
- Yappy Fox plays various “lost” 80's songs
- Exile gets interviewed and stands in as a puppet for a song
- Crappy Doo DDR's to “Reanimator” and has trouble composing himself again afterwards
- Pink Flamingos
- Yappy Fox tries out several low frequency sound / bass heavy music files
- In honor of Kuddlepup's mom several country oldies are played
- Poink sings the entire Beatles catalog… in less than half a minute!
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Crane staring at camera
- Pawpet cloths
Videos shown
- Apache (with a different version of the song)
- Maxwell's silver hammer - flash animation
- 3D aimation to peatles song
name of the song
- Music video with animated insects
- Segway in the snow
- Japanese black suit puppeteering - martial arts
- Reanimator - flash animation
- Reanimator - music video
- Fursuit Bowling
- “I'm a cow” - flash animation
- weird “robot” flash animation
- weird “little blue man” flash animation
"Last Words" (and Actions)
episodes/episode_259.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by