Table of Contents
Episode: 262
Airdate: Sep 11, 2005 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
Show Highlights
- “Come up with three songs that would be your soundtrack”
- Lots of ancient radio commercials bring back memories…
- Ezra tries to become a Popple
- Ezra and Lilly Voop tell the story about opening night in a big theatre
- DarkWolf calls in
- Crystal calls in, gets dropped and calls in again…
- Kuddlepup and Liesl have fun backstage… along with Mini Randy and Audrey - meanwhile Ezra has a laughing fit…
- Crappy Doo has big feet! With holes in his socks. And he faints as he sniffes them.
- Crappy Doo makes faces and is turning creepy
- Ezra explains the chuck wagon reference… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BBqgMQluDM
- The cast talks about the September 11 show and how it came about
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: “May I see your license?” - Buffalo looking into car
- Pawpets in Stereo
Videos shown
- Cars drinving on a truck… (cut short, commercial?)
- PacMan Pasta - commercial
- Popples - commercial
- Sam and Friends (B/W)
- Furby from hell - commercial spoof
- The Flintstones B/W Winston commercial
- Flash animation… robot hitting nails
- Flash animation - music video…
- Music video
- Peter Gabriel - Sledge Hammer
title - music video
title - music video with the cast performing to it
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Aw, I pooted again!” Liesl “You pooted AGAIN?!”
episodes/episode_262.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by