Table of Contents
Episode: 268
Airdate: Oct 30, 2005 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Halloween 2005
- Gator
- Ronin Otter (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- It's the “after Thanksgiving” show… everybody is stuffed
- We see a “Sony DVD/VCR” logo for some seconds and cut back to everybody laughing and mentioning the download for everybody who missed the joke…
- Rally Monkey!
- Yappy Fox farts and everybody cires!
- Movie talk: MirrorMask
- Upcoming movie talk: Indiana Jones 4, James Bond…
- Scream Guy updates his LiveJournal…
- Mutt realizes that the “sex offender locator” web site displays a star above his house…
- Poink reports a case of Toad Rage on I-4
- Ronin gets interviewed
- Magic eight ball refuses to answer the question about Disney making cheesy sequals several times.
- Scream Guy kills off the entire cast during the end credits!
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- The trippiest pawpet image you can think of
- Caption: Man covered in bees
Videos shown
- Milk Rap
- Pawpet music video: Ghostbusters (Pawpets North Coast)
- Over the hedge trailer
- Creepy bunny animation music video
- Animatiacs “Macademia”
- Several “floating head” videos
- Halloween animation
- Sports Fan/Anime Fan comparison (to Yatta)
- Sports Fan/Anime Fan in elevator (a-kon commercial)
- Gameboy micro commercial (Mouse in a lab)
- Kingdom of Hearts commercial
- Scary video with a little kitty cat taking body parts to become human.
- Pawpet music video:
song title? (Pawpets southwest)
Nut shot of the week
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Scream Guy “Yeah! I killed Bandit! Kill the camera! Touch the camera!” (while pointing at the camera)
episodes/episode_268.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by