Table of Contents
Episode: 271
Airdate: Nov 27, 2005 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Flashbacks and TV-Junk
Show Highlights
- Sixth anniversary show!
- Rummage describes how sports talk is the oposite of tech talk
- A case of new puppets arrives. Curtesy of Darky Sabertooth - Java tries out a new body
- Poink moved to a new appartment - and the AC is missing a vital part…
- Poink sees the “Weasel Time” animation for the first time
- The cast discusses the worst farts they had
- Random show DVD (random flashback) - show #13, #34, #63
- We can see the magical white board… which is collicting the proverbial dust
- Ezra says “thank you” while the mics are turned off…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Ferrets on a skateboard
- “Pawpets: faces of death”
Videos shown
- NFL-Shop commercial with a roo stealing jerseys
- Kero: iPod (Apache)
- Farting preacher
- Music video: naughty kitty
: name?
- weird 3D animated video (“freak attack”)
: exact title
- Projector on Subway
- Ferret Budweiser commercials
- Budweiser wardrobe malfunction commercial
- Scooby Laff-a-lympics intro
- The Pink Panther Show intro
??? intro
- Spectreman intro
- Paw Paw Bears intro
- Pink Panther Show credits.
- Manimal intro
- Automan intro
- Tales of the golden monkey intro
- Buck Rogers intro
- Foofur intro
- Pee wee's christmas special commercial
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “I hate you” (in Yappy's general direction) Poink “eff you!”
episodes/episode_271.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by