Table of Contents
Episode: 276
Airdate: Jan 15, 2006 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]You wanna pet my shnikkle?
- ?Voop?
: Name
Show Highlights
- Rummage comes on with a Groucho Marx pair of joke glasses
- Simba changed his hair… to the boy-band look
- Crystal is the first victim of the shnickles and whoohoos
- Rummage plays around with a maxi-pad - and gets his eyebrows stuck on it.
- Java actually recognizes the theme of 'Deep Throat'
- Strawberry wants a shirt with the message: “Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, all your bases are belong to us”
- JackRabbit's neighbor burns down the appartement.
- The cast discusses James Bond actors
- BJ Wolf tells about an unsuccessful evening in the backseat of a car, on the elementary school parking lot…
- Movie Talk: “Hoodwinked”
- Crystal plays “What's the common theme”
true game title
- Crystal hears Miss Miller for the first time
- Somehow the words that Poink tries Eagle Beagle to guess are a tiiiiny bit more difficult…
- JackRabbit has a run in… or roll in… or rub in… with a piece of pink silly putty… hilarity ensues!
- Arthur was at the consumer electronics show - and saw a C-64!!!
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Dog sitting under a bush (a previously shown caption, a one eyed kitty, was deemed too weird for the show…)
Videos shown
- Paula Abdul - “Opposites attract”
- Dr. Who lands in America
- Gorillas video…
- Daft Punk - Technologic
- Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
- “Needs more cowbell”
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Get that (
what?) away from your pants!”
episodes/episode_276.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by