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Table of Contents
TMP! Too many poots!
- Punktiger
- ???
Show Highlights
- Rummage starts the show alone…
- We see Rasvar's passport picture… when he was thin! …and in Liechtenstein!
- Rasvar has a brass belt buckle
- We hear that JackRabbit was merried… year and years ago… Rummage says that yet he's still a virgin though.
- Tuninator is played
- Poink poots… and poots… and poots.
- “Pull my finger president”
- Spits or swallows - Liverwurst
- Poink tires to get out of the spits or swallows
- EagleBeagle face…
- The cast dances to the bluescreen'd “Safety Dance” and “Walk like an Egyptian” video
- Art Jam crashes…
- Some more music performances…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets as bikers (Poink suggests “Poink, hiding his porn”)
- Caption: Moose stuck in a swing set
Videos shown
- Music video:
- Candid camera (Gorilla suit)
- Some music videos
: title list
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “Now piss off!”
episodes/episode_283.1383323097.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/01 09:24 by Atkelar