Table of Contents
Episode: 289
Airdate: May 07, 2006 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
- Stria (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Poink starts by reading a comic book
- Yappy Fox plays “Johnny Quest” record
- Lilly Voop continues to read the comic book
- Ezra is annoyed by everybody reading comic books instead of acting
- Poink has his huge Kermit style eyes
- Poink and Lilly Voop do some (broom)pole dancing
- Poink and Lilly Voop make out… and have fun behind the cover of the “One night in Bangkok” single
- After the “clone song” video there's lots of clones on stage: voop, ferret and wolf in double
- The Peckers and Shak record a happy birthday message on voice mail
- Shak noms the camera
- Somebody sticks a brass belt buckle to Shaks comb-over.
- Crystal(sp?) calls in
- Pink Flamingo
- We see some pictures of “young Rasvar”
- Poink tells us about his last weekend
- Temp Ferret is thinking about a position as a pole… inspired by an art-jam
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Overweight superhero costumes… Spandex CAN add some weight
Videos shown
- PA Pets - “I think I'm a clone now”
- BungeeCoon walk around
- La Linea (style) - “Drugs will wipe you out - drink beer”
- PA Pets & New York Pawpets: Be my Yoko Ono
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Temp Ferret “Oh my crotch still hurts!” Poink “WHEEEEEE!!”
episodes/episode_289.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by