Table of Contents
Episode: 294
Airdate: Jun 11, 2006 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]What big eyes you have!
- Bulldog
Show Highlights
- Yappy Fox displays his TRS80
- Poink has the Kermit style eyes
- Poink reads the “gaming manual” of the TRS80
- Yappy Fox finds out that CLS 9 on the TRS80 outputs “MICROSOFT”
- After typing in 14 lines of code, Yappy Fox has a fancy “digital keyboard”
- Ezra and Lilly Voop talk about their roommates at MegaPlex and how people used their bathroom for no particular reason.
- Yappy Fox plays the “Robin Hood” audio book read along - from a skipping record
- Movie Talk: Favorite classics
- Poink talks about a questionable offer of a cashier ringing up his new bedsheets
- Dex calls in
- Ezra tries to tell a story about a coffe talbe…
- Rasvar calls in
- The cast tries the eyes on different characters… with various rates of success.
- Somebody called Simba on his cell phone…
- Simba plays “human potato head”, providing stick on lips for the others to experiment with… but they work best on Crappy Doo
- Movie Talk: Cars
- Ezra does sit-ups.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpet Transportation
- Caption: Husky in the fridge
Videos shown
- Fluff and Such: I'm with you
- Drive in: speaker handling clip
- welcome back to the drive in
- Jumpin' Ferrets
- Beginning to date - educational short
- Big man on campus
- Devo - Satisfaction
: name correct? Let's go dancing
- Kool and the gang: Celebration
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “Moobles”
episodes/episode_294.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by