Table of Contents
Episode: 297
Airdate: Jul 09, 2006 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Spandex and Mascots
- Quail
- Anonymous Ferret
- JackRabbit in spandex (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Poink starts off with huge Kermit-eyes
- JackRabbit puts on a spandex-suit on a dare (for 50 USD from Mutt)
- Movie talk: Pirates II
- Lilly Voop (i.e. Liesl) went car shopping and the cast talks about it
- The fireworks video is superimposed over the stage and pawpets play with the effects
- Chat with fluffandsuch - is invading the show
- Poink joined the “Shatner once a month DVD club”
- Lots of pictures from a party and a mascot tournament get shown
- Spider ate a steak!
- Ezra wears a hard hat because he expects lightning to hit any time
- Spider appears with huge eyes as well
- Yappy Fox decides to play the tetris music - and we have pawpets falling on the stage… but they DON'T CLEAR!!!
- Poink (and JackRabbit) get covered in Tetris-Pawpets.
- Arthur does some lines from Arnold… “THE BRIDGE IS OUUUT!”
- Yappy Fox asks what the h### a “reach around” is…
- A performance of “Banana Phone” got muted
- The pawpets perform 2's pawpet song (Spider sings)
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets in Spandex / Pawpet pirates
- Caption: Mascots “stretching”
Videos shown
- Fireworks
- Southpaw Video Productions:
: Song title
- Toronto Furry BBQ - by BungeeSkunk
- MegaPlex pawpet show
- Kiting - by BungeeSkunk
- Southpaw Video Productions:
: Song title
- Utah Pets: Run with the pack (cut very short)
- Kero presents: Stormtroopers in Japan
- Megaplex 2006 - by BungeeSkunk
- PawPet Monterey Bay - Move your dead bones
- Foam swords + Hedge maze: by BungeeSkunk1)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Spider
“?Cows with guns?”2)
episodes/episode_297.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by