−Table of Contents
Episode: 299
Airdate: Jul 23, 2006 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Christmas in July 2006
- Chase (Subservient)
- Santa (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Yappy Fox adjusts the show to 16:9…cinemascope…circlevision.
- Undie-talk with Mutt causing Lilly Voop to run off
- White elephant gift exchange: Herbies VHS-Collection - Eagle Beagle's can-o-stuff - Tinkerbell snowglobe - “Cyberfoxes” shirt - Garfield with missing eyes - Backwasher
- Poink uses some plastic hands from his “gift” to complete the new look
- Cranberry jelly - in the shape of the can!
- Santa - who had a bit of a fire-in-a-fireplace problem
- 12 pains of christmas
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpet Christmas Cards
- Caption: Unicorn shot by teddy bear
Videos shown
- Bouncy mascot dance
- Vagina Simulater 1.0 (intro)
- PacMan - “trailer”
- People get famous
- Kinjo Kids - the movie (Yatta flash animation)
- I'm a pirate king (flash animation)
- Lego Star Wars
- Pawpet Megaplex 2006 - BungeeSkunk
- Pawpet Megaplex 2006 - BungeeSkunk
- “Streetfigher” like “game” with rap music
- Japanese flash animation to “Rudi hier, Rudi da”
- El Dr. Tran Quesadilla Supreme - commercial
- Animation - fox with purple hair “skiing” down a hill
- “Chutney” animation…
- Sad but cute flash animation (cat?) flys/dies
Nut shot of the week
- Bandit jumping on JackRabbit's lap
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Spider “I love dumb!”2)
episodes/episode_299.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by