Table of Contents
Episode: 302
Airdate: Sep 03, 2006 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Superheros and sex-ed
Show Highlights
- Poink's car gives up on his way to the show
- Mutt and Crappy Doo got washed
- Java has fun with the Enterprise
- The cast wonders how many movies based on 9/11 are going to come out this year
- Arthur channels Crappy Doo
- Poink makes friends with the senior citizens on the block.
- Todd's brain teaser
- Poink tells about how he made friends with a cop in a 7-11
- Fun with an order of Pizza
- California or Germany? Lilly Voop and Kuddlepup present weird news articles and let the audience guess where they happened
- The cast talks about how they learned about the “birds and the bees”…
- …which leads into talk about doctors
- Lilly Voop, Fuzzle, Ezra (joined by Poink a bit later) perform a song segment from “Give Kids the World”
- Yappy Fox poots
- Trixi(sp?) calls in… and hilarity ensues (with a 3-second delay)
- Pez calls in…
- PunkTiger calls in…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpet as superheros / Who wants to be a pawpet
- Caption: Leaping cat
Videos shown
- Farting pig animation
- Snakes on a train - “trailer”
- Adult Swim - cuddles the bear rape
- Fish heads
- Showbiz Pizza technical education video…
- The fox and the hound / Circle of life - cut short
- Gopher Broke (3D animation)
- The fox and the hound / Circle of life
- …the same video + Apache
- Crazy Frog “Popcorn”
- Can't stop the rock
- ??? Wolfman ???
- Jasper and the haunted house (stop motion - and very un-PC)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Arthur “THE BRIDGE IS OUUUUT!” everybody “AAAAHHH!”
episodes/episode_302.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by