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Table of Contents
Cooking with Herbie
- AfterFox
- Stria (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Spits or swallows variation: Herbie cooks with Ramen and peanut butter
- Ezra tells us about an earthquake and a zunami warning
- Steve Irvine's death is discussed
- Upcoming 9/11 re-run on CNN is discussed
- Crappy Doo's eye falls off
- The cast discusses various Halloween opportunities and possibilities to get fired from Disney
- What would you be for Halloween?
- Pink Flamingos
- Stria vs. EagleBeagle - even when standing on the couch, EagleBeagle is shorter…
- Todd's brain teaser
- Poink discusses the amazon MP3-player… with diamonds
- How much change fell out of JackRabbit's pockets?
- PacMan tattoo
- Idea for next weeks art jam: Tattoos on butts1)
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets with peanut butter / Iron chef pawpets
- Caption: Car on a fence
Videos shown
- Reveille
- Swing the mood
- Screaming cat
- Weather guy and cockroach
- Weather guy + screaming cat
- Video about a guy in a Tigger suit and a guy in a Bear suit
- Trooper Clerks - “trailer”
Nut shot of the week
- Chinese “nut shot” game…
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “I got fur in my mouth!” Simba “Ew!”
sadly got forgotten in Episode 304
episodes/episode_303.1363713341.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/01 09:29 (external edit)