Table of Contents
Episode: 306
Airdate: Oct 01, 2006 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Oh Crap...olina!
- Crapolina - introduction
- Zena (the unicorn
- Black dog
- Akea???
Show Highlights
- Show starts with Mutt burping
- Call in - wrong number!
- The rating is shot after about 20 minutes…
- The cast discusses how “girly” everybody is…
- The worlds largest penis is discussed… and Arthur freaks out
- Poink mentions that Disney is about to release a remastered “Robin Hood” with an alternate ending…
- Scream Guy posesses Crappy Doo
- Poink pushes Lilly Voop to make her scream…
- Lots of songs played backwards
- Poink suggests a “Momento” show
- Simba titles a discussion about satanist musicians “Poink, counter Poink”
- Some vanity plates like “AV8ER” or “D9ITALL” are shown.
- Whisper Guy from Episode 310 makes a brief appearance
- Lots of fun with a screenshot of the week before and the “cross fade” is had
- Poink mentions that Zena looks “freaky, no wonder only virgins can see you” and Zena answers “Why can you see me then?”
- Somebody pees on Forest
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Alternate endings to Robin Hood
Videos shown
- Fursuits at MFM (broken)
- Vik - the fox - intro
- Fursuit stage line up(?)
- BungeeSkunk - AC dance video
- “Hardware store” - with SecondLife(?) video
- Dr. Who montage - as “Doctor Mew”
- Furloween VIII trailer
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Whisper Guy “28 days” - Ezra “AAAAAHHH!”
episodes/episode_306.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by