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Table of Contents
Kuddlepup's Birthday 2006
- Puddin's mom
- Roo3k (Subservient)
- Unica(sp?) (Subservient)
- Fireleo(sp?) (Subservient)
- FlipFlop(?) (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- It's ShiftFox!
- How much does a polar bear weigh?!
- Puddin's mom tries to tell her about “feminin products”
- EagleBeagle does the roll call… with headless naked barbies
- Name that Toon
- Mutt tries to sniff lemon scented ammonia
- Spits or swallows: spoon 'o butter
- Roo3k is playing
(name? guessing game)
- The cast wants to join the “Noid chat”
- Pink Flamingo
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Happy Birthday KP!
- Caption: 1st try: 100-tools Swiss Army Knife, 2nd try: Cat stuck
Videos shown
- Animation (pink kitty) to music
- Fursuiters at MFM
- Husky (Fursuit) in a doctors office
- “Thriller” knock-off video
- Weasel stomping day
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Liesl “AAWW!!! The bridge is ouuuut!” - after the credits roll by waaay to fast1)
and after the closing song is over
episodes/episode_307.1363713341.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/01 10:09 (external edit)