Table of Contents
Episode: 313
Airdate: Dec 03, 2006 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The ghosts of FPS
- Velcro Tiger (Subservient)
- Snappy Tiger
- Firepup
Show Highlights
- Liesl is all sweaty…
- Mutt tries to groom himself but still his eyes are almost invisible
- Ezra does an impersonation of Eagle Beagle during roll call
- Ezra brings up the ghost hunters show…
- Mutt is scared of cooties
- Mutt mentions a YouTube video called “it's OK to be gay”… calling it almost “it's OK to be a woman”
- Teddy Tiger (
check spelling) calls in
- Scream Guy tries to test the delay on the new streams… can YOU count to five?
- Scream Guy is surprised to hear that the entire US has the same moon…
- Rory (
check spelling) calls in
- Scream Guy quits after the second call in failes 1-2-3-4-…? test too
- Jay Lin (
check spelling) calls in
- The cast tries to sing to “White Rabbit”
- Channel karaoke to “White Rabbit”
- Herbie cuts his birthday cake… with sicors.
- Pink Flamingo
- The newly-wed game is played with Snappy and Firepup who then go on to sing “Bananaphone”
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpet Ghost Hunters
- Caption: Camel in a parking spot
Videos shown
- “Raindrops are falling on my head”
- “Car Wash”
song title needed (@1:05)
song title needed (@1:10)
- You dropped a bomb on me
- Atomic Dog
- Puttin' on the Ritz
- Some MJ video excerpts (both with and without sound)
- yum yum tree commercial from Hawaii
- “Driving show”??? (Water tank car)
- “Cock O' The Walk” low-cal canned fruit commercial
- Werewolf DJ
- Squeeze the Charmin
- Fat chick on a treadmill… or is that an industrial convayor belt?
- Dog licking herself under a mistletoe commercial
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “SIMBA!!!”
episodes/episode_313.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by