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Table of Contents
Valentines 2007
- Oz Kangaroo (Subservient)
- Racket (Subservient)
- WildWolf
Show Highlights
- Yappy Fox opens the show with “Let's order pizza!”
- Kuddlepup is coming down with something
- Spits or swallows… with some Iranian food
- Mutt discusses the upcoming “mega con”
- Plug for Critter Country
- Oz Roo tickles Liesl
- The roll call is done by the Mac voice in “robot monk sing style” and Oz Roo performs to it…
- Pizza delivery is made to Racket Raccoon
- Simba is dubbing an old Popeye cartoon
- The cast watches a “modified” version of the Zoobilee Zoo intro off screen…
- Mutt wakes up Temp Ferret - matrix style
- The show goes black and white and silent for a bit - the cast bounces around
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- SciFi Pawpets - and Kuddlepup get well cards
Videos shown
- Music video: “Homecoming queen has got a gun”
- Buck Rogers - Robot “love”
- PawPets North Coast - Ghostbusters music video
- PawPets North Coast - The Legend of Wooley Swamp
- Utah Pets/PA Pets - It's not me it's you
- Cylon bubble machine commercial
- Skating robot
- Sexy robot
- German “candid camera” with a fake water bed
- “Tits and ass beer” commercial
- Spatula City commercial
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Life's not that bad” Liesl “We still got each other”((Download cut off a few seconds before the end credit song finished, live version might hava had different ending)
episodes/episode_322.1384045252.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/09 17:00 by Atkelar