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Table of Contents
Fast food nightmare
Show download cuts out a bit early, about halfway through the ending song.
- Brian and Tracy Raynolds
- DukeFawks
- “Retaliation Chicken” (Subservient)
- Yappy Fox (Subservient… choker?)
- Cake (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Ezra tells the tale of KFC orders
- Mutt tells several tales of bad service
- Mutt tells about a booze bottle that's actually a bong.
- Zucchini!
- Eagle Beagle moment: the cast goes “EB! DON'T TOUCH THAT!!! AAAAAAHHHH!” and duck for cover
- The upcoming MegaPlex is discussed.
- Mutt sees his first Star Trek episode and is afraid of turning into a Trekkie… and the Star Trek theme is hummed in a Beaker style
- Mutt tells us of the time he made his first coffe… or rather “washed the beans”…
- Poink had a problem with an overflowing toilet one floor up…
- Favorite smells are discussed
- Poink has fun with a KFC bag
- An author (
name?) calls in
- Poink wants to be the judge of whether Retaliation Chicken's breasts or theighs are better
- Yappy Fox chokes the chicken during subservience
- Weird search results for a “grandma racing” google
- Poink predicts that “Google” will become a sex-term at one time
- Poink realizes that he can't say ANYTHING on the show without Brian drawing a picture of it before he finished the sentence…
- Tracy and Brian's many at the scene art-jams are shown
- Random ceiling fan cam - turned into random EB-nose cam
- 37 - the official Zuccini counter!
- Liesl's laptop is running around!
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: USB-Teddy Bear
- Pawpets and fast food gone wrong
Videos shown
- Family Feud - Turkey guy
- George Takei
- Stop motion animation to the “Prince of Bel Air” theme song
- Hunting in video games (G4)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “We want to say thank you to DukeFawks for stopping in the…”1)
Based on the download
episodes/episode_323.1384049988.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/09 18:19 by Atkelar