Table of Contents
Episode: 325
Airdate: Mar 18, 2007 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Pawpets SING in the shower!
Show is credited as Episode 324.
- Wench (Subservient)
- Panda (Subservient)
- Shockwave
- Michel Mephit
- Panda
- ?Bear (Subservient)
- ?Wolf (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Mutt stuck his hand in Bandit's mouth and now knows that he has hard teeth
- Mutt facedesks as a joke about men and showers sort of not works
- Liesl appears in ren fair outfit as “Subservient Wench”… complete with accidental “insights”
- Crappy Doo also has a wardrobe malfunction… his cape became a bib for a bit
- Personal TV-tastes are discussed
- Michel Mephit brings in a space shuttle tile fragment…
- …and Herbie is swearing quite heavy after touching the hot tile.
- The cast decides - right then and there - to play “Deal or no deal” and improvises a game with cue cards. Result: 128447$ deal for the 500000$ case…
- Lilly Voop is wearing shades… because she hides from the fanboys
- Lilly Voop tells us what kind of themed wedding she'd have.
- Caramel cake!
- Poink plays Tetris on the toilet - and everybody discusses what they are doing on the toilet… besides the obvious.
- Sleepwalking stories and weird dreams are exchanged
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets singing in the shower
- Caption: Puppy dog nomming on other puppy's face
Videos shown
- Village People: YMCA
- Village People: In the Navy
- Village People parody(?) (dubbed the “Phone sex song” by Mutt)
- The mechanical cow (old BW cartoon)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “You know…???”
episodes/episode_325.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by