Table of Contents
Episode: 332
Airdate: May 06, 2007 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]PCM - Pawpet Computer Museum
: Spelling of guest names
- Matt
- Brandon
- Latin Vixen
- ??
- Dusty Coyote (Subservient) - credited as “Susty Coyote”
- Tumbleweed (Subservient)
- Allright (Subservient)
- Zal (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Show starts with a blue screen…
- Eagle Beagle called in a 911 for a fire down the street the day before… and it took 20 minutes for the fire department to arrive there.
- Ezra starts “What the hell am I eating” as a segment
- JackRabbit comes in late and farts for a welcome…
- …and is promptly subjected to the “What the hell am I eating?” challange
- According to Ezra, Eagle Beagle cooks from the book “101 things to do with Ramen noodles”
- The guests do “What the hell am I eating” and the dialog gets increasingly filled with innuendos
- The cast discusses how HD-DVD is going to win over BluRay…
- Yappy Fox brings out an old Tandy computer as old computers are discussed
- Yappy Fox brings up Frogger on an Apple II emulator…
- Liesl calls in from Hawaii
- Ezra has a “wiki” on his keyboard?? Or is it a “Wi-Key?”
- Blacklight in the studio for Zal's subservience
- Movie review: Spiderman 3
- Ezra does an impressive face-desk… or rather face-stage (@ about 2:50:00)
- J-Con(sp?) decides to ban fursuits…
- Mixed Candy suit plug…
- Baccala30 sends in some cakes… and the stage goes deserted for desert.
- The cast talks about their favorite moments that are on YouTube…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: stretching fox sticking tongue out
- Pawpets blindfolded… or Pawpets save the day
Videos shown
- Mt. Vernon Rec Center Halloween Childrens Parade
- Insects crawling…
- Dog on a roof (Halloween 2004)
- Red Panda at FC 2007 (Video by Bungeeskunk)
- 3D-Animation: “Writing Sheet”
- One code to rule them all… 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
- Commercial for..???? (farting chipmunk?)
- “10 things I hate about commandmends” trailer
- Juggling… Extreme!
- Music video “She's my man” with (
) type puppets1)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “Check out my LiveJournal to help out town cats”
- didn't really understand the last two words…
Black clad puppeteers against black background, part of puppeteers are the “puppets”
episodes/episode_332.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by