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Table of Contents
Yappy Birthday
- Yappy Fox (Subservient)
- Bearclaw (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Show decoration has US flags and Yappy Birthday posters
- Ratatouille reviews are discussed
- New Poink… iPoink
- Mutt tells us that the person responsible for the “Direct to DVD sequals” of classic Disney movies was canned.
- Eagle Beagle shows how to pack a fursuit in a space bag
- Rummage gets packed in a space bag - Looks like roadkill
- Double quote of Lilly Voop and Poink. SOmebody says “Yappy's head is purple!” both reply at once: “Which one?”
- Liesl tries to suck out the air of one of the bags as well…
- Spits or swallows - mold alert!
- What was the lamest super hero?
- The iPhone is discussed
- Luna wrote a letter to the show
- North calls in with insights about the iPhone
- Herbie and Yappy Fox act out “Fox in Socks” during their subservience
- Luna calls in and gets a date with Eagle Beagle at AC
- Robot Cat song…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- “Yappy Birthday” (or “4th of July”)
- Caption: “B/W cartoon licking a candy cane…”
Videos shown
- Spiderman nontage
- The today show + iPhone (fail!)
- Fursuits destroying a lawn chair
- iPhone stress test (PC World)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Goodbye, iYapp!”
Song is muted randomly and cast member has to sing on
episodes/episode_338.1384095887.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/10 07:04 by Atkelar